torsdag 16. juli 2015

Magik-ftu-Gone fishin'-Trinita-A tag and snaggables

I found Magik's PTU now  FTU kit : Gone Fishin' on a challenge we run in our forum, Creative Addictions
So beautiful kit , you can find it  in her blogg , don't forget to give her some thanks.

ENTER HERE I also use a couple of elements, a tree and one of the skies background, from another FTU kit from her, called
" Summerdays " This you can find 


Here is the tag I made for her, thank you so much Magik for sharing. xx
The water animation I made in the water program :

Sqirlz Water Reflections

The tube I have used it's from Trinita, tube named " Merry Umbrella 2 "can be purchased at ,
for the tube


Betsy's Paradise Dreamer: Magik-ftu-Gone fishin'-Trinita-A tag and  snaggables | Fishin, The dreamers, Magik
The url to the animated tag, Full size


I have also made some non-animated extras/snaggables, but please leave the tags as they are, don't add anything on them. Thanks for visit my blog :) x

I have more other snaggables on my FB fan page

6 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks Ona, I first made it in Paint shop pro . than I merged everything bellow the frame, used the program sqirlz, after that I open it in the animation shop,I only keep the first 5 frames, and delete the rest, than I have it ready. Here is the water program :

  2. Thank you so much for the stunning tag & the beautiful snags. =) You did a wonderful job using the kits. =)


    1. Thank you Magik, for your nice comment, glad you like it., thanks for the kits, both are really beautiful =)

  3. Okay, perhaps I misunderstood your question ? :) perhaps you wanted to know if I used paint shop pro or Photoshop ?? I use paint shop pro 9. old but very good :)

  4. Thank u for the beautiful snags hun have requested to join on fb page waiting your approval ❤

    1. You're so welcome hun, you're added to the snag tags group ❤


Please leave a comment, and I will publish it, after reading it.Thanks in advance.